Sunday, September 25, 2016

Gulf Shores, Blog Post #3

Gulf Shores, Alabama was one of the most beautiful places that I have ever been. Tan skin, stunning beaches and long nights, made this vacation one of the most memorable. My friends and I spent countless hours soaking up the sun on the beach and lounging by the pool. Some of my best memories were made in this small town. I will never forget this wonderful vacation and hope that these memories will last a lifetime. Like it says in the photo, Small Town, Big beach! Also, great times!
The beaches here, were absolutely breath taking! The water was crystal blue and the most perfect temperature for when you were hot from laying on the beach. Being able to see your toes through the water was like a complete shock for someone whose home is steps away from the Saginaw Bay. There were several entertainment options if you were feeling bored from baking under the hot sun. Stands were set up for jet skiing options, parasailing, and tubing on the ocean! At night, we often went for walks on the beach and throughout the sand you could catch crabs or even see some nighttime feeders come up to shore for dinner. The waves crashing on the shore were a relaxing ending to a long day. If we weren't laying by the beach, we were laying by the pool. The pool was an easy access point and had a really fun atmosphere. There was always music, people dancing, and the pool was always cool and refreshing.
Night life in Alabama was absolutely awesome! There was always somewhere to go or something to see. We spent our nights riding go carts, zip lining, and eating dinner at the most entertaining restaurants. One night, we went to a small attractions park, where there were go carts, putt putt golfing, and so much more. It was definitely a hot spot for travelers and there were a lot of spring breakers there to join in on the fun! We went shopping along the main strip of Gulf Shores, almost every night. It wasn't ideal for my wallet, but it was a lot of fun to look around each shop and buy our souvenirs. On one of our final nights, we went to a restaurant called The Hangout (shown above). This wasn't your average restaurant and was one of the most memorable portions of this trip. The Hangout was just simply a restaurant, there was live music, a DJ, a foam party and a very informal and inviting atmosphere. During dinner, we sang along to music and were actually encouraged to dance along to the music.... on our table! It was so funny how many families and teens there were, just dancing on the table after dinner, like it was normal! Waitresses and waiters told us to just have fun and thats exactly what we did! We ended up spending hours dancing, laughing, and Cupid Shuffling on our table. What a crazy experience! The vibes in that restaurant were so chill and it was awesome to let loose and have fun with people we didn't even know. 
One thing many people don't realize on vacation, is the little things that happen that you won't forget and will continue to laugh about  even on the ride back to reality. In the photo above, I remember exactly what we were laughing about. I was typing out a tweet and wrote "self of steam", instead of "self esteem". It may not seem funny to anyone else, but in that moment I was just laying in my bed, laughing until my stomach hurt, with one of my best friends. Getting ready every morning and watching movies with them every night, was one of the best parts of the entire vacation. Spending genuine time with the people you care about can definitely make vacation more memorable. I will always remember my week in Gulf Shores and will for sure be visiting again. (663 words)

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Blog #2 Drummond Island!

My first destination that I'm going to share with you is to Drummond Island, in the UP. Drummond Island holds a special place in my heart because that's where I have spent my summers since I was 3. I am Indian and our tribe originates in Sault St. Marie, which is right near Drummond. We usually stop there to visit family and gamble at the casino near the reservation. My dad and grandparents have taken me on that 6 hour road trip more times then I can remember and I know that I have cherished every time. We stopped going as a family when my grandma passed away 9 years ago, but I still have those memories tucked away in my brain and often find myself looking back on them and smiling. We went there to fish, swim, take walks through the woods, and other outdoor activities. We would target shoot and ride quads through the woods. The first time I went, I may not remember, but my dad tells me stories of how truly obnoxious I was at 3 years old, in the car. I have a favorite story that he tells me and I ask him all of the time to retell it because it always puts a huge smile on my face. In his words, I was sitting in my car seat and I would not stop crying. I always called my pacifier a Nukabah (I have no clue why.) He said that I loved driving over the bridge with the windows down and that specific time I was very grumpy. He said that I kept throwing my "nukabah" out of the window and then screamed for it, wishing I had it back. He also added that they bought me several two packs of "nukabahs" throughout the trip and actually found it humorous that I was tossing them out of the window, repeatedly. 

Though we stopped going as a family, I have not stopped visiting my child hood vacation spot. My friend Miranda and her parents owned a cabin on the water, until they recently sold it. I went there to spend some time with friends and snowmobile. Trail riding there is absolutely beautiful and is also super entertaining. The locals actually built an outdoor ice skating rink, which I visit every time I am there. I think its the coolest thing because its outdoors and we don't really have anything like that here in Bay City. Also, we went there during spring to boat, fish, and hike through the woods. Usually, the water is freezing but is totally worth the mist of the boat ride to catch some fish and spend some quality time on the crystal clear waters. Although, its completely different without my grandma, I love that I still get to revisit my childhood and make more memories there. Drummond Island is such a small town, that everyone knows everyone and makes you feel like you are welcomed, no matter where you're from. Whenever I'm there, I try to take everything in and just breathe and embrace every second. I know that whenever I am there, my grandma is there with me and that's one of the many reasons I love it there. It helps me to feel close to her. The picture above, is my friend Miranda. The photo below is her mom, who owned the cabin.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Why I chose traveling as my Blog theme? Blog post #1

Hi, I'm Alex and my blog is about my traveling adventures and the ones that are yet to come! The reason I chose traveling is because I absolutely love it. I love the thrills, the unknown, and the planning of awesome, fun filled days.I have always had a passion for traveling and can honesty say, without traveling, I would not be the open-minded person I am today. Everywhere I go, I always seem to leave a little piece of my heart at each destination. While traveling, I have found out where I want to hold my future and where I want to be for the rest of my life. I have seen beautiful sights and I have also seen some things that have opened my eyes to the real world and everything this beautiful world has to offer. 
Being in different parts of the world has taught me how to be spontaneous, adventurous, and how to soak in every minute. I have learned how to never take experiences for granted and to always cherish time spent with people you love and places that you may never get to see again. I look forward to long drives, camping, or extravagant trips, to basically anywhere but here. Don't get me wrong, I love my home town but when I get the chance to take a vacation or visit someplace different, I take the opportunity. I usually find myself traveling with friends or family members, so I feel like I take a little slice of home with me wherever I go. I have traveled to anywhere from the "Happiest Place on Earth", to the beautiful city of Chi. For my age, I would say that I travel a lot more then the average 18 year old and have gone to a wide variety of places. Near or far, every destination has its own special perks and I find myself making memories, no matter where I am. I'm so excited to continue traveling and can't wait to share my previous and upcoming journeys.