Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Why I chose traveling as my Blog theme? Blog post #1

Hi, I'm Alex and my blog is about my traveling adventures and the ones that are yet to come! The reason I chose traveling is because I absolutely love it. I love the thrills, the unknown, and the planning of awesome, fun filled days.I have always had a passion for traveling and can honesty say, without traveling, I would not be the open-minded person I am today. Everywhere I go, I always seem to leave a little piece of my heart at each destination. While traveling, I have found out where I want to hold my future and where I want to be for the rest of my life. I have seen beautiful sights and I have also seen some things that have opened my eyes to the real world and everything this beautiful world has to offer. 
Being in different parts of the world has taught me how to be spontaneous, adventurous, and how to soak in every minute. I have learned how to never take experiences for granted and to always cherish time spent with people you love and places that you may never get to see again. I look forward to long drives, camping, or extravagant trips, to basically anywhere but here. Don't get me wrong, I love my home town but when I get the chance to take a vacation or visit someplace different, I take the opportunity. I usually find myself traveling with friends or family members, so I feel like I take a little slice of home with me wherever I go. I have traveled to anywhere from the "Happiest Place on Earth", to the beautiful city of Chi. For my age, I would say that I travel a lot more then the average 18 year old and have gone to a wide variety of places. Near or far, every destination has its own special perks and I find myself making memories, no matter where I am. I'm so excited to continue traveling and can't wait to share my previous and upcoming journeys.


  1. I love to find and explore new places as well. Only with my family, if you can't hunt something there, you are not going there.

  2. I share the same thought as you when you say the places you traveled to helped to shape the way your mind is. All the places I have been dramatically affected the way I am today.

  3. Alex as a traveler myself I understand your meaning of wanting to get out of here and see what the world is like. I can't wait to read about the places you have been!

  4. I absolutely love to travel too!! I am actually taking a 3 week trip to Finland next summer!!

  5. I absolutely love to travel too!! I am actually taking a 3 week trip to Finland next summer!!
