Sunday, October 9, 2016

Mackinaw Island Blog post #5

Like any Michigander, I consider a great weekend away to be spent in Mackinaw Island. I have traveled to Mackinaw Island several times since I was little and I have memories from each time. My family and friends enjoy the road trip as well, so I always have a buddy to tag along with me! There are so many options when traveling to the Island and each time I arrive, I feel a new rush of excitement and look forward to a great day. I love the sights, the smells, and just the vibes of this small Island. The houses there are a sight all in themselves and the beautiful scenery is breathtaking.
My sister and I get a tandem bike every time we choose to bike around the Island. We usually stop to take pictures and get off our bike to walk around and sight see. Usually, when I have my sister (Brook) sit in the front, I take breaks and don't pedal, just so she can do all of the work. Brook and I always end up laughing and making memories on the bike because the only option we have while riding, is to talk to each other. The bike around the Island is 8.2 miles and we regret it about halfway each time. We do feel very fit and muscular after and usually brag about biking such a long distance.
The last time that I went to Mackinaw, I went with my four friends. My friend Mackenzie is pictured with me in the photo above. We didn't end up going to the Island on this day because when were getting our bikes prepared to take on the Ferry, Luke, our other friend cut his whole finger nail off. We ended up in the ER. He felt awful about putting an accidental damper on the day, so he said he felt good enough that we could walk around the city, grab some food, and shop around. We spent the day in the city and bought our souvenirs and ate lunch at a pub. It was a hectic but fun day and I didn't mind that it didn't go exactly as planned. 
I love Mackinaw and Mackinaw Island because I think it is just beautiful. The sight seeing is one of my favorite parts and is something I love seeing each time I go.


  1. I love Mackinac Island! It's so beautiful there, I love riding bikes along its many paths too. Although it's a pretty hilly place.

  2. I love Mackinaw! I have only been there a couple times and it was when I was younger and don't really remember it. Now that I am older I want to go with some friends like you did. Its unfortunate that the last trip did not go as planned, but sometimes that is when the best memories are made!

  3. I have never been over to the island. However, I have heard from a lot of people that it is a must see.
