Thursday, November 17, 2016

Disney World post #10

Disney World is truly the Happiest Place on Earth. I have been to Disney at least five times, and each time I visit I make so many memories that I will cherish forever. Whenever my family, friends, and I find ourselves in Orlando, I always beg to stop to Disney for a fulfilled, adventurous day!
My favorite part, by far, is the Princess Castle! Which I always call "my princess castle." My friend Taylor and I had park hopper passes for our own little getaway but we made sure to make a pit stop at the castle each day to get pictures. There are thousands of people surrounding the castle at every moment, usually to snap a picture. Also, there are live shows in front of the castle for entertainment, which is really neat to watch! My biggest Disney Dream is to spend my honey moon (once I'm married), in the Princess Castle. So, let's hope my parents have already started saving. 

The park Tay and I spent the most time in was Hollywood Studios! My favorite ride in all of Disney is the Rockin' Rollercoaster, which is pitch black, glows, goes upside down, and is super fast. Taylor however, dragged me on the Tower of Terror at least six times and I hated it every time. But, I'm glad I went on it because I know its her favorite, so I chose to take one for the team. Another thing Hollywood Studios had to offer was a meet and greet with Buzz and Woody! (pictured below) It was awesome to get our picture taken with some of our favorite characters from our childhood movies. There are usually characters scheduled to meet and greet around each park, you just have to catch them at the right times!
Taylor and I stayed in the Pop Century Resort right in Disney and we absolutely loved it! We were by ourselves so it was amazing that transportation was included and that made our trip easy and worry free. Two 18 year old girls alone in an airport wasn't exactly ideal, but we made it work and it turned out to be just fine! Our resort had two pools and when we weren't adventuring through Disney, we usually were lounging by the pool.
We also fell in absolute love with Epcot. They feature countries around the world, all in one park. It was amazing to see all of the different countries that I wouldn't be able to see all at once. They had iconic pieces from each country so that we knew where we were. It was awesome to see all of the culture, dances and food each destination had to offer. They had little shops that had cultural items for sale and it was amazing to see how different life is in each  place. 
 Also, another cool thing Disney has to offer is Downtown Disney, which I fell in love with the first time I went at age 9. There are tons of places to shop and eat. We usually went around eight at night, just because that's when the night life was really cool and there were more people! Taylor and I spent almost every night walking around and shopping until we dropped. 
I'm so grateful that I got to go to Disney with my best friend and I cannot wait to go back again sometime very soon.

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